
Turquoise (Randyjw; May 10, 2019)


Sunlight pierces the branches of mangroves

the blue heron sailing a vast expanse for the other side

At the bank gleam shining pairs of faceted rainbows

partially submerging preying alligator eyes


Junebugs arrive early

and mayday beacons, like fireflies, bioluminesce in neon green

A striped mullet arcs and twists his agile body,

silvered underbody draped in pearlescent sheen


Sugar kisses coat the cypress swamp,

of which the water was filled and drained

And now sits the still glorious eagle

in its place where the plantation stands


The cypress canoes lay now silent

on the trails, filled with tears, which man tamed

A seminal tale for the Seminole,

at the time when the full moon waned.








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