More Thank-You’s

More “Thank you’s” go out to the following people:

Update: I am oftentimes, apparently, a poor judge of character, and apologize for many of the missteps I have made. This includes my premature thanks to some of the people I have listed in this article below, upon learning of circumstances or circumspect behavior for which I ought NOT to have thanked these individuals.

Selena Gomez: As far as I can tell, she seems to be the first person among the Hollywood bunch to have gone ahead and advocated for our U.S. veterans. You will recall that during the past decade or so, there has been a movement underway to demonize the United States as war-mongering imperialists bent on forcing our will upon the hapless world populace. Cindy Sheehan was a popular face on the left, affiliating herself with groups like, and protesting the U.S. presence in Iraq during the Bush presidency, as well as drawing like-minded groups out to picket the funerals of veterans! We later learned that many such groups were funded by individuals with certain agendas — big financiers like George Soros and others, of which many Arab students and others (like those who organized the “Occupy” movement, supposedly to protest “Wall Street” and then other corporate entities) participated. The rest of the leftists joined ranks, and this included many Hollywood actors and actresses. Like lemmings, they were of one voice. I noticed that Selena was the first to break ranks and to actually advocate to pay tribute to our veterans, who gave the possibility of their lives to promote the freedoms we enjoy. As this July 4th, 2014 comes about, and we celebrate the freedom that others among us have fought so valiantly for, let us join the rest of the ranks who have made paying tribute to our veterans a now-popular vocation. Say “thank you” to a veteran, or perhaps do some community service to support the veterans. Help them re-integrate into our society as they return from the battlefields of the Middle East, and other war-torn places. Fix the scandals of the Veterans Affairs Medical Centers and give them the benefits, services and healthcare they have been promised and are deserving of. Thank you.

Update: Selena Gomez has chosen to side with the “Palestinian” people. Does she know the original “Palestinians” were Jews? Doesn’t she know about the terrorism they perpetrate on Jewish people (and others)? I think she has just jumped on a bandwagon in thanking veterans — sort of like a flavor of the month for charity causes, akin to the way she tries to make herself trend-worthy all the time. Not buying it.

Glenn Beck: I thank Glenn Beck for his steadfastness and support of the Jewish State of Israel. He has gone there to support Israel and constantly supports us with his statements on-air. Although in one of his broadcasts he mentioned that Israel was not among the top supporters of the many countries who are his most numerous, supportive listeners, I want to let him know that I truly appreciate his support – more than he can know. Thank you so much, Glenn Beck; thanks also to Stu, Pat and Jeffie, his loyal and steadfast broadcast partners (if that’s the word…)

The Rolling Stones: I am so sorry to hear about the passing of Mick Jagger’s long-time love, L’Wren Scott. She was a beautiful-looking person, and seemed like a kind individual. She was also a really good clothing designer: in looking on the internet for jeans I might like, the only ones I could really relate to were the ones she had designed. At that time, I don’t believe I knew she was the girlfriend of Mick Jagger. In a recent magazine column, she was pictured wearing beautiful clothing — I imagine they were her own designs; they had a Middle Eastern kind of bohemian “feel” to them. As you might know, The Rolling Stones are one of my all-time favorite artists. When I was given an eighth-grade assignment (maybe 7th?) to write a paper about someone who was my idol, I couldn’t really come up with anybody. “Idolizing” others was just not something I felt accustomed to doing (everybody has their own strengths and weaknesses, right?). So, I decided mine would be Keith Richards, as Mick Jagger was the way more popular figure. And then what happened was that as I read all I could about Keith and the Rolling Stones, I think that I really did begin to almost idealize them. I certainly developed an extremely enthusiastic liking of them, going so far as to: buy posters of them/the group; buy special photo disks of their albums; search out all their albums ( I had a good deal of them, and so many of them are my favorites); I even went so far as to ask a record shop owner if I could have the tongue he had hanging in the front window of his store, which HE DID GIVE ME when the promotion for Tatoo You was over! I must’ve had the greatest rock-oriented decorated room in my whole University when I brought my entire poster collection to college with me (and later passed on to my cousin when it was time for him to attend school). Now, when so many people are trying to get others to divest themselves of anything which would benefit Israel, The Rolling Stones decided to perform a concert in Israel! They know the Jewish people love cool music, and they are the coolest, especially for playing in Israel! Yay Rolling Stones!

Alicia Keys: She is another wonderful artist who has turned down the naysayers to perform a concert in Israel, as well. She is a phenomenal artist, and I thank her so much for visiting the Holy Land and sharing her blessings with us!

Michael Savage: Radio talk show host, Michael Savage, has been constantly under attack for broadcasting his opinions, most of which I wholeheartedly agree with. For his twenty years fighting the good fight in an uphill battle, I thank him for soldiering on. We don’t know what we’d do without you. And, by the way, I wrote personal letters to people in England to help remove his ban they imposed upon him so that he can not enter the country! One of these was to the Right Honorable Theresa May, a member of the Parliament over there. I visited her web page, and based on her viewpoints, she does seem to be the most appropriate person to whom to address correspondence to help in this effort. However, sad to say, I did not receive a personal response…Perhaps the readers of this blog might wish to reach out and give it a try, themselves…. I think the address you can reach her at is:

Rt Hon Theresa May MP
House of Commons
Tel: 020 7219 5206
Fax: 020 7219 1145

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