Monthly Archives: February 2023

Harassments Of The Day #1

Harassments Of The Day #1 (Randyjw; February 17, 2023)


I’ve titled this post with a beginning number, as the harassment doesn’t quit. So, today:


Someone blasted aerosol spray in the bathroom, yet again. I complained, because it tears my innards up.


Someone known to me has been throwing stuff at me, in the library, and outside, as well as previously having done so on the bus (and this is just one of many people that have done this). I haven’t said anything to this individual or to anyone else about it. However, they speak of others acting erratically, and this is not good. I also haven’t ratted out someone else who has said to someone a while back that they could stalk and harass “them” (lack of context for this meaning, but that doesn’t sound good), and they are still around acting friendly (and vice-versa).


A woman came up to the counter with her phone out and flash/light on while I was making a purchase to ask the associate Did anyone turn in a car key remote? Can you say set-up? This has happened to me a lot.



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Infernal Thermal (Randyjw; February 16, 2023)


old and beautiful

like this well-worn, warm thermal

dark and navy blue


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Other Recent Harassment

Other Recent Harassment (Randyjw; February 16, 2023)


Other harassment I haven’t mentioned, and other things:


A guy that bothered me on the bus (black), with an older black woman who seemed to happen to be “there” was bothering me about the bags I carry on the bus (because I’m homeless, I have bags: it means I have nobody to leave them with, do not have a set monthly income from which I could deduct storage costs – so no storage space – I need the things I have, like clothing in my size, since many stores no longer carry my size in-store; since I’m discriminated against at a soup kitchen, where they take others behind me in the line I’m in and pass me over, and there is nothing for me, or being given just a stained pair of underwear at one shelter when I was in a program, and nothing else – although I had stuff at the time; or where they ocasionally throw a big garbage bag down on the floor for overnighters, and everybody fights and you can’t get in to see the clothes and you wind up with nothing). Then he started peppering me with ridiculous questions about whether I use drugs (saying no) or have had – at which point I felt he was harassing me, and he started lying and saying “That’s drugs (talking)”. Not until after the incident was over did I realize that this man (AND this woman who also happened to be “there”, who had said, both times, I believe, that she had a beautiful home; and the guy had said he was homeless, but that he didn’t have to carry around bags. Well, good for him. He still seemed like he was a homeless person anyways. I find that alot of the homeless men out here are really hard. They pick on women out here. I think the men have it easier in many matters of being homeless: people are less likely to steal from them if they think you can give them a good fight; the number one bathroom situation – so much easier for them; only the bigger men have similar problems with carrying bags – also, probably because of the difficulty in finding clothing to fit, etc. So the men harangue me to get rid of the bags — yet, eventually you find out that they have so much more stuff (like ridiculous amounts) stored in bushes or whatever, elsewhere. Those who tend not to have more stuff seem to concurrently appear to have substance abuse issues (at least to my visual experiences).


Then: I had two bus “mishaps” — One, where a bus driver picks up a particular person at the bus stop I wait at. She was singing out loud; seems okay; then starts singing “I won’t miss f-ing with your b*tch-*ss no more”. She gets on the bus and stands in the aisle where I need to pass through — I can’t put my bags in the wheel well storage area with her in the way, so

i have to go around her and put them on the seat (for those with advanced age or incapacities, or wheelchair seating, when needed). I squish by her and go towards the seating area, but bang my toes really hard against the wheelchair securement device or whatever is there, and it really hurt. I believe I broke a toe or two and yelled a profanity. I still cannot bend my toes like on the other foot, and it has now been a couple/few weeks. The bus driver played a pre-programmed, but selectable, message regarding using that kind of language, which I can understand. However, when the Hispanic community keeps speaking in Spanish about the “puta” who sleeps on the street and should get a job (see previous post), and I finally have had enough of this and ask the bus driver to play that message in Spanish, it doesn’t happen.


Then, recently, the bus let me off in between the intersection and a bus stop further down the street. I head for the intersection, but it is difficult for me to walk the extra amount, and so I generally tend to just go across the street where stopped. Okay, maybe I shouldn’t be doing that, but there is only so much a person can do given their physicality and situation. So, what happens? I try to go one step and decide it would be too much to get to the intersection. I decide to go across the street, where I am. Because it is dark and I am not used to this street difference, it is not noted as any different than the other portion of the street, and because I usually just cross the street okay at the bus stop, nothing seems out of the ordinary. However, it is. There is a drainage gutter, which is very steep and slanted at that point. I step off the curb (kindof hard because I have all my bags with me, and I need to get a good kind of push-off to use that energy and chug across the street) and my foot goes down hard with the heel end continuing on with the slant, but my foot now bending back too far off the hard concrete at the top. This then causes much pain and also for me to fall forward with my backpack propelling me onto the street). Oh, no. I’m stunned for a moment, but I have to get up so that cars won’t run me over. My foot is messed up. It’s swollen beneath my ankle bone but a bit towards the instep; the side of my foot hurt; the bottom middle, but a bit left beneath my foot hurt; my toes hurt, too — all eventually as I have continued to try to walk and just arrange my foot in the best possible manner as I do so to where it doesn’t hurt as badly. Argh! Not the buses fault, but I wish they would have just let me off at the bus stop. They usually stop nose-up to the bus sign, but sometimes zoom past or do other things.


So many times, the buses, or some particular drivers or in that time period, don’t want to continue driving or want to get a meal or go to the bathroom or whatever. There have been several that I believe are not kind to me/my people type of thing. One tried to get me banned from off the bus, and I don’t even know why. They make up different rules. They treat some people okay and give them free rides, and those tend to be a pain in the neck. There are a bunch of people trying to set me up to be looking bad, to go against me. Even if they seem to be doing so as if they’re the nice ones. But, they prevent me from using the place to store my bags, getting behind me so I can’t do so (even waiting for me to go first, so that they can do so by getting behind me, or coming back to ask lots of questions they already know — I’ve seen them many times and they do this alot). Whatever. The buses don’t want to take me, and try their best to not have to do so, like last night. One bus driver leaves, gets into a car vehicle used by the bus service to transport its drivers; meanwhile, the replacement driver gets out of the vehicle and into the bus waiting at the terminal. The bus says Not in Service. I ask whether it’s the route number I need, but he says he doesn’t know if he’s scheduled. (Um… but he just got out of the vehicle to replace the other driver, got into the bus with his things and arranged some things inside the bus, I asked him and got his reply, he went over to the bathroom area. He left in the bus, still Not in Service. So, meanwhile I have to run bag and forth with my bags because another bus with that route number had let off all its passengers and then stayed dark. I had already asked that driver if he would be the route number I needed, TWICE, but he pretended not to hear me. He went over to the back side of the terminal for a bit. He came back and got into the bus. So, I have to run back and forth between these attempted bus areas trying to find out if any of these are the buses I need (this is generally where they stop). He gets into the bus; starts it with its lights out and is driving in the sort-of pass-through lane mode – stops briefly – changes his bus sign (to a wrong sign; he changes its destination to the stop where he is leaving from, instead of any destination stop — probably the one I need). They’ve done this maneuver alot lately; being the bus I need, but waiting until they’re in the pass-through(like) “lane” to the left, and not changing their destination sign (from either Not in Service, totally dark, or something messed up) until they briefly stop in the passing area (if they even stop, at all — which, often they don’t, unless they’ve gotten who they want on-board, except me) and changing the sign behind an already stopped bus beside it, so that one cannot see them doing so, etc.


What else? I’ll let you know. These are just some things I didn’t write about when they occurred, because it just gets to be too much and too aggravating. But, I though I’d let you know. If I’ve forgotten many things, which I’m sure I have, when or if or possibly, I may let you know.


Thanks for listening/reading.



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Heard On The Bus

Heard On The Bus (Randyjw; February 15, 2023)


Travelling on the bus this evening, not particularly listening to anyone, I happened to overhear snippets of a conversation a black man was addressing to his fellow compatriots.


The first thing was “The Bible says….”, and then I tuned out the conversation – which is what I’ve been trying to do, lately, as I have a bunch of people of Hispanic/Latino ancestry always talking about a ” puta” who sleeps on the streets and should be working, instead – which makes me feel they’re referencing me (although I’m not a “puta”), and stresses me out (because I am homeless, and I do feel it’s an attack against me; maybe because I’m Jewish. This has been going on continuously for maybe two years or so, with the Spanish assault; so, that is stressful, which prevents me doing other things with s better mindset… like, getting a job!!!)


So, anyways, I’ve also been harassed by other groups, as well – which I occasionally mention in other postings — but, it has, by no means, been inclusive of all the harassment I’ve received… Such as people on the bus picking their skin, or head, or hand-washed dirty drippy clothing which they pick from and throw at me while on the bus, or in the library. I’ve recently gotten a problem from this, and worse other.


Anyways, back to the conversation going on within the bus…


My ears pricked up when the man then said that they need to get the “old family” out and replace it with the “new”, and don’t you think the NSA isn’t listening?


I took it to mean a BHI type of thing on the context of the constant type of antisemitic rants I’m constantly hearing from the same groups of people on the street that constantly follow me around, harass me via numerous means and methods, and other.


I’ve had continual problems with some of the bus drivers, the bus mechanics, etc., as well. In the past two weeks or so, one of the bus drivers went into the bathroom (no security there to hear the harassment) and played her phone out loud of a man’s manic laughter over and over about four or five times, which then segued into a song which went something like, “Oh, no… with some music and then “You f*cking Jew…”.


Prior to that, I’ve had a black woman bang on the bathroom door I was in and harass me, and another time in the bathroom called me a white cracker who enslaved black people. Sorry, I’m neither.


But I am a Jewish woman, homeless, and extremely, seriously harassed by antisemitic people of all woke stripes. Please wake up, Jewish community. Please wake up, world.



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Homeless Update #?

Homeless Update #? (Randyjw; February 5, 2023)


Good News/Bad News:


Bad: Well, it’s really both good and bad. Bad – because the city brought in a bunch of sanitation trucks to remove all the trash (which is also good — but also individual homeless people’s personal property, like clothing, etc. — one woman was upset at the police and was telling them that all her clothing was gone — I think it seemed like she maybe had said that she was telling the city workers not to throw out her stuff, but, apparently, they weren’t under her direction), a ton of police going down all the side streets to make sure the homeless weren’t just relocating their items nearby, maybe). I don’t know what happened in this instance, as I knew someone who had been fighting in another city for several homeless people and “homeless rights” (we really don’t have any) in a lawsuit and had supposedly won; but, now it seems that is not the case — probably public nuisance and health reasons overriding, which can’t be blamed, but, still… what about the Constitutional right to our property — regardless whether it is housed or isn’t?


Good: A bright update on two particular homeless people I’ve met is that one of them kicked a drug habit – going on two months now — Yay!!! Hooray!!!! Way to go!!! The second is that another homeless person was waving wildly at me — from his car! Moving on up!!!



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