Tag Archives: harassment

Heard On The Bus

Heard On The Bus (Randyjw; February 15, 2023)


Travelling on the bus this evening, not particularly listening to anyone, I happened to overhear snippets of a conversation a black man was addressing to his fellow compatriots.


The first thing was “The Bible says….”, and then I tuned out the conversation – which is what I’ve been trying to do, lately, as I have a bunch of people of Hispanic/Latino ancestry always talking about a ” puta” who sleeps on the streets and should be working, instead – which makes me feel they’re referencing me (although I’m not a “puta”), and stresses me out (because I am homeless, and I do feel it’s an attack against me; maybe because I’m Jewish. This has been going on continuously for maybe two years or so, with the Spanish assault; so, that is stressful, which prevents me doing other things with s better mindset… like, getting a job!!!)


So, anyways, I’ve also been harassed by other groups, as well – which I occasionally mention in other postings — but, it has, by no means, been inclusive of all the harassment I’ve received… Such as people on the bus picking their skin, or head, or hand-washed dirty drippy clothing which they pick from and throw at me while on the bus, or in the library. I’ve recently gotten a problem from this, and worse other.


Anyways, back to the conversation going on within the bus…


My ears pricked up when the man then said that they need to get the “old family” out and replace it with the “new”, and don’t you think the NSA isn’t listening?


I took it to mean a BHI type of thing on the context of the constant type of antisemitic rants I’m constantly hearing from the same groups of people on the street that constantly follow me around, harass me via numerous means and methods, and other.


I’ve had continual problems with some of the bus drivers, the bus mechanics, etc., as well. In the past two weeks or so, one of the bus drivers went into the bathroom (no security there to hear the harassment) and played her phone out loud of a man’s manic laughter over and over about four or five times, which then segued into a song which went something like, “Oh, no… with some music and then “You f*cking Jew…”.


Prior to that, I’ve had a black woman bang on the bathroom door I was in and harass me, and another time in the bathroom called me a white cracker who enslaved black people. Sorry, I’m neither.


But I am a Jewish woman, homeless, and extremely, seriously harassed by antisemitic people of all woke stripes. Please wake up, Jewish community. Please wake up, world.



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