Tag Archives: Coyote

I Don’t Know


I Don’t Know (Randyjw; March 23, 2021)

How to read these signs and wonders;

with love, certainly,

despite the traumas and the dramas

of this worldly life surrounding me

These petty, persistent attacks

on my person, and my people, and my family

the crabbing of my being

engulfed in the utter maelstrom

of this humming, drumming malevolency

I cannot write anything well-pleasing

yet I appreciate your loyalty

through my rotten inability to sublimate

the greedy tendency I have

to consume so much nectar you’ve

poured out at my feet

I cannot seem to sip lightly;

I lap the spoils and spills

like my totem coyote

that literally appeared in these weeks

to protect me (???)

And in the night sky,

How odd!

Orion’s belt (the bowslinger)

seems to lead me to Canis Major

(but all I can see is the triangle,

with the bright star, Sirius,

at its head,

while these skies and my mind

remain hazy)

So, while the white and brown

coyote brushes past my right shoulder

at three feet and circles around —

I wonder,

have you shape-shifted in new guise

to give comfort to the overly needy?

We seem to reach

an implicit understanding

Even while I cannot properly

convey my meanings

Writing bad verse with nothing

even slightly to redeem me

and gaze knowingly

or longingly at one another

from my perch on my bags

toward the intersection down the street,

and the coyote trails the unwanted,

unasked for strange man in the night

who was needlessly interrupting

my dearest, private alone time

with which I can concentrate

upon you within my deepest reveries

The poor coyote!

I sense his or her need, also

to be fed,

but, yet the people harass

this hungry animal, too

Alone in this world,

upon this earth

Will such atrocity never end?

(No – just keep drinking the Kool Aid.)

And, always ill-timing,

I can never seem to capture

this magnificent creature

who roams the night

with my camera

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