Tag Archives: New Flyer Industries

I May Wind Up Off-ed Like Jimmy Hoffa

“I may wind up off-ed –

Like Jimmy Hoffa”

– Randyjw  (July 7, 2022)


Well, here we go, now – where Classical Race Theory (CRT) goes overboard, having implications for the sanctioned discrimination against the Jews on the same systemic basis that everyone has always discriminated against the Jews, anyways — only, this time, it is official U.S. policy.


U.S. President Joseph Biden’s first act as president was to sign an Equity Act, allowing for preferential treatment favoring those people considered minorities within the U.S. While I do agree that there are many people of certain groups and ethnicities who have been discriminated against within the U.S., and while I do feel that those groups should be justly compensated via direct reparation for these egregious errors, considering that all are considered equal under the Constitution (with an amendment to rectify the horrible assignation of not considering black people worthy of full peopleship, as already having gone through the forced removal of numbers of their people from their land to be transplanted as forced workers, slaves, in foreign lands), it still leaves out the Jews as a recognized people/minority, who have, throughout history, and who, unfairly, to this day, are still not recognized as a minority class, given that the Jews are a people, a nation, have a shared language, culture, genetic characteristics, ethnicity, etc.


Ironically, it has only been in current times that the “nations” have tried to eliminate this assignation to the Jews, when, as always previously, the Jews were always considered a separate group — actually, often, even, a subgroup, or not even human (i.e., alien, reptilian, etc.).


This has, and continues to have, real-life world consequences. In the United States, Jews were unfairly discriminated against as a group — but you would be hard-pressed to find acknowledgement of that from anyone today. We could not attend many universities, were barred from clubs, recreational sports competitions (Wimbledon tennis, gold clubs/competitions), work opportunities, housing, etc. My mother still remembers signs on the beach in Miami saying No Jews, No Blacks, No Dogs.


Because of this, Jewish people, as they have been accustomed to doing, anyways, due to many millenia of experience in such ways as people chose to treat us, have had to create our own opportunities for ourselves, since we wouldn’t be hired by other peoples’ businesses – and, in fact, were specifically barred from doing so via laws of Arab, European, and other countries/nations (with the exceptions of being recognized as being helpful to other nations, and then being exploited in work for these purposes, etc.). In general, we became quite successful, and were then resented for this fact, when even the whole purpose for barring us from these opportunities was to keep us downtrodden.


This doesn’t mean that we have lost our peoplehood and minority status, however. Just because some of us have done well does not mean that all of us have done well, or that we have not had to fight extremely hard battles toward equal rights that others now experience as a given (except for us). We, along with the rest of this nation, have laid a lot of groundwork so that all can experience being able to live without a tyrannous government ruling over subject people according to the whims of the moment.  It’s true that we have had to progress and continue to fight these battles. In my father’s business, he hired black workers, at a time when Jews were not really hired much outside of their own people, nor were black people. They were not slaves. They were workers who came to their jobs and went home to their families. Jews have had to fight for the recognition of Jewish holidays. We’ve lost our jobs because of not wanting to work on our Holy holidays. We’ve fought in the Civil Rights movement.


But, even now … Jews are still not accorded minority status. It has been a systemic, worldwide discriminatory action against us since time immemorial. The New Testament doesn’t call us Jews, unless it refers to something bad, and not even factually correct, at that — and, instead labels us “Hebrews,” the same term that the U.S. applied to the Jews who were trying to escape Nazi actions against us as we fled from Europe and other places, who wished to eliminate the Jews in the Holocaust (and did).


What does this matter now? Well, Jews will soon have no recourse to even let people know what is happening to them, because any wording in our defense will be construed as racially insensitive, or just plain racist, toward others — even though those others are officially discriminating against us, and, worse, stalking us, harassing us, and just plain killing us. The United Nations, Big Tech platforms, government, educational institutes and their faculty and student departments, individual countries (but who now also comprise the European Union and others), have all been maniacally vicious against the Jews, and continue to be.


Regardless that the U.S. Congress has recently paid lip service in acknowledging recent attacks against the Jewish State of Israel and against Jewish people on the whole, it really does nothing for us except to give lip service where it should be due. It seems that no legislation is borne of these statements, and they are but hollow words needed, while behind the scenes the reality moves forward to advance our many enemies’ cause against the Jewish people (mainly our existence and our homeland). Democratic Representative Rashida Tlaib has recently put in for minority protection status for the collective “Arab” peoples’ designation under MENA (Middle East-North Africa), which as of my last checking several days ago, the summary was still in progress and not completed (see my article here: https://newsnotes1.wordpress.com/2018/07/18/mena-is-mean-and-other-matters/).  Jewish people should not be under this classification with our enemies. we should put in for, and receive, our own Jewish designation, if we are to be afforded the same Civil Rights extended to others. And here is where none of this should be applicable. The Constitution gives equal protection to all its natural citizens. To spell it all out into certain races and groups is totally antithetical to what the Constitution guarantees. Because Jewish people will now still not be on a list of protected minorities, we will still be discriminated against. It will even be likely against the law for me to even be writing about this, as happens in Europe to antiSemitic ravers. the problem with that is that it does go too far against free speech, but, on the other hand, it usually does have deathly implications for Jews,, while often not reaching the same aforementioned consequences for others, due to racism. I have pointed out how the IHRA definition of antiSemitism is not so beneficial to the Jewish people, as it only applies to those countries who are democratic and of an ideologically Western bent. It does not apply to entire countries who include antiSemitism as their official doctrines, inscribed in law, or embraced as a nationwide philosophy. So, what good is that? Democratic countries should not be antiSemitic anyways… but they are.


Okay. so here is where some of this stuff really comes into focus. Nobody is going to like what I have to say. Not America; not Israel; not unions; not business and Republicans. Everybody is going to be after me. I’ve had a heavy heart about this for probably over a week now. But, I feel it is something I must relate. I may wind up off-ed, like Jimmy Hoffa (that’s my poem for this little piece). I may have people coming to visit me for my supposedly subversive mouthings. Some of the people in this particular area of what my my mouthings are about can be somewhat intimidating, etc. You can follow this up, if you like. It’s just a little general thing which shows how it can lead to bigger things. Don’t care if you call me lazy for not doing all the work.


I had an incident (actually, the exact same incident with the exact same guy has previously occured, so it is kindof strange) where I was traveling on a bus and had stored my bags (I’m homeless, so my belongings accompany be) on a wheel well hump which is encased around by metal tubing, the same which supports the hangstraps for people to hold onto if standing in transit. It has been annoying to me that alot of people put their hands all over my bags and stuff, so I tried to again get near my bags where this particular guy was standing, and he threatened to hit me, and said that I heard the bus driver say that that area is not for bags (no, I did not hear her say anything and know nothing of the sort). Anyways, I decided to try to follow up on that usage of that wheel well hump as a luggage storer (newer version have a compartment underneath for a fire extinguisher, and other considerations which would make those particular models unfeasible for use as such, but I could see no reason why this particular model could not be used as such, and would be a good idea). That particular bus didn’t have the NABI (North American Bus Industries) logo, but many of the buses in our transit system do utilize those buses. So, I learned that NABI goes under New Flyer Industries or New Flyer Group. There is a bit of history with all that — some being that it was headquartered in Canada; had been a part of the Canadian governments thing; had gone bankrupt; was bailed out, to major loss, by a businessman; and eventually was acquired by some New York Equity firms. NABI has several plants of assembly, etc. in the U.S., and so employs quite a number of individuals. With Canada having rulings on which certain people comprise the identity of a racial (or other recognized) minority, I’m pretty sure these do not include Jews among them – though Arab and other may be. These buses are also supposedly used in nine other countries, etc. You can check Wikipedia under New Flyer Industries, New Flyer Group, and also see a good article I found at referenceforbusiness (or businesses?) . com.


NABI was one of many companies which had signed on to a voluntary 50-30 Canadian challenge of advancing opportunities of minority employment. However, here’s the rub. If many U.S. states, as well as many other countries, procure these buses through government contracts, which is how it’s done, than they’re signing on, by extension, to treating Jews as non-minorities, and possible discrimination, since the Jews can’t seem to get a listing as a minority. Yet, a U.S. judge did rule that Jews have been discriminated against. Continuing to do so is such a travesty.


I say we should get rid of all these designations. I am not trying to be a racist, nor do I begrudge the advancement of historically marginalized peoples — but, this does include my own. I do not feel that all recent actions in these racial areas have done everything possible to systemically discriminate against the Jews: in universities; via their faculty departments; student government areas, etc. We have faced continued stalking, harassment, vicious attacks, and systemic killing against Jews. It’s time I raise my big, fat mouth and say something. We should just live under what the Constitution says it should be – as a protection for all of its (natural) citizens. Because these present racially-dividing designations are just giving continued justification to perpetuated antiSemitism – and that, by definition, and through the U.S. Government, no less, is the true definition of systemic discrimination.


So, sorry that this has become an us versus them type of thing. It didn’t have to be so, but you can see that the so-called “others” are making it so and discriminating against the Jews. So, no; I don’t think this will ever end. It will go on for millenia more. Just had to state my free views, before I’m hauled off to Criminal Court, The Hague, or somebody just puts one through my head.


By the way, I am writing this article on July 7, 2022. I was in a plane on this date, waiting on a tarmac, a number of years ago, not knowing that a terrorist attack was being perpetrated. I might have freaked out, having known that. As it was, I was freaked out anyways having witnessing some strange actions from a number of scary-kindof individuals within the plane I was on.



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