Tag Archives: Western Wall

Illegal Peace Prayers


Illegal Peace Prayers (Randyjw; May 16, 2019)



I’m admitting to post-facto supposed “war crimes” of having placed a note in the Western Wall/Wailing Wall/Kotel and joining Alan Dershowitz’s satirical call of rebellion in doing so, to protest the designation of parts of Israeli land as being called “occupied.”


Does this designation apply retroactively to 587 BCE, 70CE, the actual placing of my note circa 2003/4/5 or so, the UN Security Council Resolution (fake news) of 2016, or what? Am I a satirical 2,600-year criminal, a 2,050-year criminal, a 16-year criminal, or just a mere 3-year criminal? Better round those criminal Jews up, again.


Dershowitz, Alan. “War Crime!: Placing a Note in the Western Wall”. gatestoneinstitute.org; May 14, 2019:



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