Tag Archives: Humble Bumble And Rumble

Humble, Bumble, And Rumble

Humble, Bumble, And Rumble (Randyjw; May 4, 2023)

My life as a long-played out set-up

Odd-man out, since the others all have connections

the food stamp people know the market people know the housing people know the library people know the Occupy people know the woke people know the court people know the  christian people know the levant people know the fertile crescent people know the criminal people know the good people but only from one perspective know the security people know the IT people maybe the cartel

So they shut the food pantry, leave me no address so I lose my medical, lose my bus pass, lose bathroom access, lose my food

They weaponize their bodily fluids against me crumble their feces to throw in my hair liquified and pumped out their pants, shirt sleeves, sneakers, and other devices like key fobs and sprays they continue to aerosol

They want to give me HIV or cancer, and I believe they did throwing their head, body, and down-there lice bedbugs mites at me and brag that they do so

Want to drop me in the water to the crocodiles

Abduct me and make it international, as if it’s me trying to flee the law

They seek human justice, and revenge, and maybe that’s rightly so

Believing the ends always justify the means

I think that it’s just one running scheme a real-life reality show paradox hunger games

How all attack the one, based on power

Assigning fake motivations to me that just aren’t there

Thinking it’s the same, but I disagree

Coming behind me to mess me up

thinking their e. coli and drippy stuff is okay; but what’s in their bags? Body parts? Why is their prejudice okay?

And how many false starts; hacked discovery process; removed hard drives, just when it was time to contest things

shortening reply times; shredding process of chronology

Exile me

a homeless person, a stateless person

They rejoice to Allah and hallelujah as the sirens and people cry

but they’ve shown tolerance, and not

they come in by the planeloads and get free bus rides and go off again to other places for more of the same

all against one and one against all

They wear me down and will continue til I’m dead

But in it all there’s always the spin

how one can smoke crack collect houses and cars and boyfriends and children and talk about a Kike and Jew you down on mother’s day in front of me and my mom

I’m sorry I’m not elevating your soul

It’s the things I never said

Couldn’t bring another child into the world with our low salaries and living at our mom’s and didn’t think that would be fair to the ones you already had

One other chance, but again, too long deliberating the pros and cons gave me the answer  I didn’t want

and, unfortunately, agreeing with the family over their lambasting another for the ticking of their biological clock

Living selflessly for these people, only just to be shot

but that’s the way it is

Even G-d doesn’t like a wishy-washy person

the real signs (not these human-contrived)

being that I was vomited from the land and broke my tooth in the air on an olive pit

and now this removal of my soul

they model, but don’t tell – cuz who like to be told?

but, no-one ever told me: it was encouraged and prsented as something else, so I never knew at all

and that was my normal but I still can’t really change

I’ll talk to people, wear my pants and clothes down til they rot hate stuff on my head and elbows can’t stand barred windows and patrols

I don’t know how to go about life

I’ve had my plenty of share of sacrifice and thought I was way grown before my time

but, yeah

life caught up, or at least you guys did

to show me I ain’t so grand and to be humble

but I always thought I was, and still I’m sorry

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